Animation is one of the trending interest among the teen's. Their are many types of animation like 2D animation, 3D animation, Whiteboard animation,etc. While I was introduced to animation I got engaged in watching animation. Japanese animation's are the best according to me. Japanese use 2D as well as 3D animation. Most of the Japanese anime are 2D e.g.- NARUTO, BLEACH, ONE PIECE, ATTACK ON TITAN, DEATH NOTE etc. When I was watching TOKYO RAVEN [an anime] I realised their are some 3D elements present in it which enhances the quality of anime.
At initial stage of watching anime made me curious to think what type of software do animator's use. Then I started to search on Internet for the software to make animation but unfortunately I was unable to find the answer. Then after watching a video on Internet I got the name of the software.
It is ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS. It is a software made by Adobe. It has many versions, latest is ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC i.e. Creative Cloud. Adobe After Effects is a digital visualeffects, motiongraphics, and compositing application developed by Adobe Systems and used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production. Among other things, After Effects can be used for keying, tracking, rotoscoping,compositing and
animation. It also functions as a very basic non-linear editor, audio editor and media transcoder.
This doesn't means other softwares are not at all used. Their are many softwares available in market for animation.
animation. It also functions as a very basic non-linear editor, audio editor and media transcoder.
This doesn't means other softwares are not at all used. Their are many softwares available in market for animation.